Lovely morning for rugby

The Cni Ireland Monaghan RFC Mini Rugby teams travel to County Cavan Rugby Club

Saturday last was another lovely morning for rugby, played in great spirit with Cavan RFC. Over 120 Monaghan Mini rugby players made the trip to our neighbouring county, thanks to their wonderful taxi drivers!

U7s had 3 exciting games running at once, with their coaches proud of all the improvements shown on the pitch, they played really well and enjoyed every minute.

U8s took on a strong Cavan side but the players put on a great performance to edge ahead. A few areas to work on in training next week but a positive display of rugby.

U9s worked hard and showed off the skills they have been practicing at training, with enthusiasm and energy throughout.

U10s had a brilliant performance, with huge credit to the players, they stepped up in their tackling and teamwork resulting in some great tries.

U11s showed great heart, acquitting themselves very well against a physically strong Cavan outfit. Their 2 games were intense but the team continues to improve in leaps and bounds, with new members influencing their team’s performance.

U12s had 2 tough games, highlighting the need to maintain the intensity shown in training but the players kept battling to the end, fantastic spirit.

We are delighted to see our Mini Rugby teams progressing with each game played after so long out of action last season.

Thanks to Cavan Rugby Club for being fantastic hosts, a great morning was had by all.

A superb result for Ireland too vs New Zealand, to top off a fantastic day of rugby.

Training continues for all Mini rugby players this Saturday morning at normal times ahead of our fixtures in Omagh Accies Mini Rugby on the 27th November.